Spring Will Be Full of Daisies
Last year I wrote a blog that was titled “Spring Isn’t All Daisies”. It detailed the devastating loss of our yellow lab Aubrie. Many of you have seen pictures of Aubrie on our Facebook page or in pictures we sent of containers for customers. She was usually seen with her nose under a container on rabbit patrol or enjoying cheese burger Friday. Customers often asked if the dog came with the container and asked to meet her when they came to our office. Aubrie was very special and a wonderful team member for USA-Containers. She was the best COD (Chief Operating Dog). We miss her daily and will love her forever.
We decided that we would never own another dog. The loss and accompanying pain was too great. We would not open ourselves up to love that deep again. Things were so different without Aubrie. The house too quiet, the office so sad. Routines were changed so we would not be constantly reminded that she wasn’t here anymore. It was hard to see other dogs, especially labs. We went through the motions of life without Aubrie. It was hard. Very hard.

But….as the months went on we began to slowly heal. We could love on friend’s dogs without tearing up. We could go camping at favorite spots and be okay. Tina could go to the convenience store and not have her heart ripped out because she wasn’t buying Aubrie her morning jerky. We began to think maybe we would be somewhat whole again. Then we began thinking that maybe another puppy might make us feel better. Not a replacement for Aubrie, that would never happen, but another pup to love again. We debated and discussed for 5 months. After all, it was a huge decision for everyone at USA-Containers. We weren’t the only ones feeling the loss.
A few days before Valentine’s Day Mike and I gave ourselves a pretty awesome gift. It was small, beautiful and healing. We would like to introduce our newest family member and Chief Operating Puppy Baylie. She is already adjusting to life at home and at the office. She hasn’t mastered rabbit patrols yet, but she has greeted a few customers with a tail wags and puppy kisses. She has a doctorate in puppy bites and power naps, but most importantly she has wiggled her way into our hearts. This year “Spring Will Be Full of Daisies” just as yellow and beautiful as Baylie.